Sunday 13 November 2011

Our eighth anniversary of living

Eight years ago today I was 9 months pregnant (for those that don't know when you are pregnant it's counted in weeks so you are pregnant for around 10 months) and went for my last hospital appointment,where my blood pressure was extremely high so they sent me for a few more tests and found I was suffering from Pre-eclampsia, as my baby was in danger they decided they wanted to induce me there and then.

Now after 9 months of waiting and saying to people "I can't wait for my baby to be here" when they said, "we need to induce you, you are having that baby tonight" my first response was "er, no I'm not, I don't want to have a baby anymore!", I'm not quite sure what I expected to do about the living being inside of me but I just wanted to go home, maybe it was the shock and worry but I didn't feel like having a baby right then!
I remember turning to my (now ex) partner and father of my child whilst the doctor was on the phone saying "we need a bed, I have a lady suffering "insert medical jargon" and needs to be induced immediately" and saying "who is he talking about that doesn't sound good," my (ex) partner looked at me like I was stupid (yes I know I was) and said YOU!

After 9 months of reading books about my baby's progress, listening to other mothers stories, watching as many programmes as I could on childbirth and talking to my baby constantly I was already completely in love with him and being told there is a chance you can lose your most precious thing is like a living nightmare, It was like I changed into a completely different person, I decided we would survive no matter what, nothing was going to hurt me and my baby after I had spent so long carrying him and loving him, or if anyone had to die it was me and even told my (ex) partner, if anything happens you  must save the baby and not me.

The hospital did allow me to get my overnight bag as long as I was back within the hour, I went back and then underwent numerous pessarries and "sweeps"-possibly more painful than the childbirth! but my labour refused to begin naturally and eventually my waters were broken for me at 1pm, unfortunately a few hours into labour the cord got caught around the babies neck and I was warned not to push while they undid it, I tried my hardest not to and at 5:38pm a most shocking thing happened...................

-a lovely healthy baby boy was placed in to my arms, at first he didn't cry and this caused me a panic but like many other men once he saw my face, he screamed! but I loved the sound, and now 8 years later we are both hear to tell the tale (and he still screams on a regular basis!) and be grateful for everyday that has been given to us.

We both have our days when we are angry or upset but I always try to remember how lucky we all are for everything we have been given and hope we have many more years to come  :)

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