Wednesday 30 November 2011

Who's idea was it to have children?

Have you ever had that complete gut wrenching dread that you are ...........................................TURNING INTO YOUR PARENTS??!!, well recently I have...

Remember when you were young and your parents use to say, wait until you are older and have children, then you'll understand.

Well now I am older and have children I hate to admit it but now I understand,every day I find history repeating itself and those old classic phrases cominmg out to play.

For instance I totally remember having a massive tantrum when I was around 8 years old because my Mam wouldn't let me have any peanuts, I jumped up and down on my bed (cos obviously I wasn't allowed and so this would show her the error of her ways) and told her when I got older I will let my children have peanuts for breakfast dinner and tea if they wanted, to which she replied that old catchphrase above!

Recently I have ended up 20 minutes late for work due to my youngest offspring having a tantrum over cheese.
He wanted a block of cheese for breakfast, I said no, and so a screaming hissy fit of


Now, if you have never had to explain to your boss that you are late due to cheese, you can never imagine the facial reaction I received.

If you have read part of my other blog you will also have seen that my schedule had also been ruined by the same child due to pineapple. (he'd got over the cheese)
I am not entirely sure why it always seems to be food based reasons that hinder my plans but hey ho, I guess that's the way life goes!

On another occassion I arrived at work with my classy carrier bag with my lunch in, only to find at dinner time, to my dismay that it had been replaced and instead of lunch I had a Ben 10 colouring book, some crayons and a toy from Mcdonalds, which resulted in the phrase "bloody kids"

Today I was asked, when I was young were yo yo's invented? "yes" I replied,to which they queried "but were they made from wood cos plastic wasn't invented then was it?", I am 29!!
However, I can recall asking my Grandma if she was alive when dinosaurs were alive and wondered why she laughed so much at me!

I have also had to use that old "it will end in tears" recently when I caught them sliding down the stairs in their sleeping bags, only to find their step dad following them down in a sleeping bag!

But then there are some things I don't remember ever saying to my parents, like my recent conversation with my 8 year old which went like this :

 "Er Mam, I am really sorry I forgot to tell you this, but I am actually a vampire",

As you can imagine I was pleased we got that cleared up sooner than later, I can only suggest that my parents and my upbringing must be to blame for my children's weirdness sometimes.
(I ate some garlic just in case)

But even though they are cheeky, noisy and ask their stepdad if they can keep me in the loft, Just like my parents- I wouldn't change them for the world! :P
Cruising for chicks!


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