Thursday 29 December 2011

Moshi Monsters/Club penguin/binweevils

My Name is Cat, I am 29 and I have a confession to make, I have an addiction, No it's not drugs, it's not alcohol, (although I am partial to the odd glass or ten of red) it's to children's online gaming!

I know it's not really a restaurant or place but  my two sons will choose this over going out 9 out of ten times, especially if they can have £5 each to buy a membership instead of us using it to pay to go out!

They have been playing on these games (mainly Moshi monsters at the minute) for about 2 years now and although I had a look and checked on what they are doing,(ever the dutiful mother....) I never actually bothered playing on them, however in recent days I agreed to help one of them "get a medal at the disco" (although this turns out to be as hard as getting through a day without any tantrums), needless to say I haven't achieved it yet but as Homer Simpson once said "trying is the first step towards failure!"
However I will persevere until I get the damn medal, and maybe have a look round and buy some food, and some decor for the house, and a design and a.................................

They have games and challenges which are quite educational, and help children with their social skills as they are online communities

They also teach children the value of money through using "rox" (Moshi Monsters) "Mulch" (bin weevils) or coins (Club penguin) which you need to save in order to buy food for your monster/penguin to keep them happy and healthy and also to buy gifts for other users or even designs and ornaments for your "house", which should come in handy in later life!

You can also own pets like puffles (Club penguin) or Moshlings (Moshi Monsters) which you have to look after or put some effort into keeping.

It's also a brilliant money making venture for whoever thought these things up as the amount of merchandise I have been conned into buying is ridiculous but the kids LOVE it! and  so do I!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Sudden death

Today I learnt I am going to die, we all know we are going to die one day, however I never imagined a website would so cruelly predict my untimely demise.

We've all done it, you don't feel well, or you have found an odd growth or rash so rather than go to the professionals, as they're "fully booked" or you need to ring 3 months before you are ill to let them know you are going to be ill in order to get an appointment, or just omaybe your a man, so instead we choose to google it.

I woke up last night, or to rephrase, the dog made me get out of bed at stupid o clock so he could relieve himself.
While waiting for him to sniff every item in our garden to decide if it was privileged enough for him to cock his leg against my nose began to bleed. Heavily, My 5am logic told me to leave the door wide open, letting as much cold as I possibly could in and rather than go to the downstairs bathroom a few steps away for some tissue, go up the white carpeted stairs to the upstairs bathroom and make my partner get out of bed to get the dog back in and shut the door.

It lasted about 10 mins which in nose bleeding times is quite long but in 5am nose bleeding times it's bleeding (get it) ages!!
This then happened another 3 times during the day while at work, which led me to google "recurrent nose bleeds in an adult in one day" (I like to be specific)
This led to me all kinds of scary information such as "caused by eye hemorrhage" vitamin K deficiency and it could be due to cirrhosis!!

Luckily there's is this tinsy little voice in my head (which I choose mainly to ignore) called common sense, It told me that it is very unlikely to be any of these and probably more likely due to the little cold I have,  *male translation-man flu.

So I learnt 3 things today

1. Don't google illnesses

2. Don't believe everything you read (unless it's on Wo-manvsfood)

3 I'm not going to die (yet)



Thursday 15 December 2011

Never judge a book by its' cover!

When I was younger I adored the Disney film "Beauty and the Beast", not because of the love story or happy ending like most girls, no, because Belle loved to read, like I did, and she was beautiful and feisty and so clearly that meant that I must be too...............................

A few years ago (mainly due to having children and no money, I had to become inventive in the options I had to occupy two young boys) I have started going back to the library and taking my children with me because it was free and surprisingly we could spend quite a few hours in there.

Both my boys absolutely love the library (so far) this will probably change once they get to their teenage years,

There is so much to do now compared to when I was younger and you could just borrow books.

Now most libraries have a children's corner, where you can sit and read with them, or depending on their age or reading ability they can read themselves, There are often toys for them to play with and also pens and paper to draw, a lot of libraries also do children's clubs, where they can listen to a story from a story teller or do arts and crafts.

 There are computers with Internet access for children, young people and adults.(So while your child is reading you can sit and google your name or something.) You can even borrow Cd's or DVDs for a small fee, and of course there are all different kinds of books for all age ranges.

There's also the added bonus of the possibility of hearing an elderly person ask the librarian if she has that book "about face, which he's been hearing about a lot" !

They are not just there to be used for boring homework or research, if you are trying to think of something cheap and easy to do consider a library and you may be unexpectedly surprised

Sunday 11 December 2011

Lakeside Inn formerly known as Bobby Shaftos!

After waking with an ailment more commonly known as man flu, I made the heroic gesture of keeping a promise and taking my family to Whitworth Hall.

As Christmas is fast approaching we thought it would be kind of us to help Santa out and take the children to feed his reindeer, Luckily today no tantrums about cheese,pineapple or otherwise ensued so it was plain sailing driving all the way.

As soon  as we got there we went into the play area to buy our duck and reindeer food which is £1 a bag, and it is worth bearing in mind that even 1 bag per person does not last very long!
If you plan on taking some of your own food to feed the duck or deer,(picnics for human people are not allowed!) you are warned not to feed the deer apples as these can be very poisonous to them.

We walked into the grounds and all the ducks were out of the pond and wandering around so the children chose to feed these first, they soon got bored and we then went to the deer park.

Usually you can go inside and wander around with the deer walking with you (like over there)-> but today due to the weather it was extremely muddy, so if you plan to go inside it is advisable to wear wellies.
Today we stood outside the gates while the deer stuck there heads out the gate and took the food from our hands, so children of a more nervous disposition may not enjoy it so much!
It is also advisable to take some wet wipes or for the OCD of us some anti bac gel as your hands end up covered in mud from the deer!

After the strenuous activity of feeding other animals we ventured to the restaurant for some food of our own.

On a Sunday they serve a carvery which is £7.95 per adult and £5.95 per child and as a family well accustomed to carvery or two due to having two of the most fussy eaters ever, one who only eats meat and potatoes-and then whinges at the children for not eating their veg, and another who wont eat anything on his plate if any kind of potato has touched it, a normal Sunday lunch just isn't an nice easy day out!
You are given a generous portion if meat,too much for my liking (so half  then goes to the man of the house.......................................the 8 year old) and then there are plenty of vegetable to chose from, we were all far too stuffed for desserts so I am afraid I can't comment on those.

The day lasted around 2 hours and cost £40 in total so it's not the cheapest of days but it was well worth the money and the excitement leading up to Christmas and very worth the two very tired boys!

Now we can all rest easy that Santa's reindeer are well fed ready for that long journey coming up :)

Oops, how did that get in here?!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Men REALLY don't listen!

I would just like to share with you a conversation I had with my partner last night, as we are both hard working people, we try to have a "family day" every weekend, where we go out or do something as a family.

My sister has very kindly bought us tickets to Mini Moos as a Christmas gift  (review to follow,) and we had also agreed to take children to feed the deer at Whitworth hall (another review to follow) before Christmas and so I was trying to explain to my partner that there are only two more Sundays until Christmas day and the mini moos tickets are only valid from 17th December which means we need to go to Whitworth hall this Sunday coming, the Mini moo's the week after.

He listened intently (or so I thought) nodding in all the right places and agreeing with what I said.

Now I will share the text conversation we had today (the morning after!)

Partner : We might have to go to Mini Moos this Sunday

Me : why?? how??

Partner : Then go to Whitworth Hall the week after

Me : This is what I was explaining last night, I'd prefer to go there this Sunday but as tickets are only valid from 17th we can't!

Partner : We'll have to go on the 18th then

exasperated sigh


Partner : There's only two Sundays left before Christmas

Me : Oh my goodness do you LISTEN to anything I say??????????

I then went into the office kitchen in order to make myself a cup of tea (as we all know tea solves everything), I had my back to the door and was mistaken for someone else, the lady I was mistaken for took great glee in this and proudly announced

 "Eehhh did you think that was me Edna, eeehh thanks, she must be 20 years younger than me, I'm 76"  !!!!!!!

After seeing my face, she then retracted this comment and said

"sorry pet I mean 40 years younger"
I'm 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've obviously been worn out by my partner!